Prices & Policies


Boarding is $55 per night per dog.

For 1-night visits, please note: The fee of $55 per night covers 24 hours. If a 1-night visit extends beyond 26 hours, there will be an Extended Day Fee of $35 per dog. On multi-night visits there is no Extended Day Fee added.

Request a Reservation

Fill out the form to Request a Reservation. No payment is due at that time. You will receive a response confirming availability. Please note that a Reservation is not guaranteed until we confirm availability! All new guests are required to schedule a Boarding Interview before a Reservation will be accepted.

You will receive an online invoice about 2 weeks before your dog’s stay begins, which may be payable online by credit card. Full payment is due before drop off. If the stay is extended while in progress, the balance will be due at pick up.

• Cancel via email or through this website
• You will get a full refund if you cancel by 5:00 p.m. five days before the stay begins.
• If you cancel after 5:00 p.m. five days before the stay begins, you will be refunded the balance of your payment, minus $55 per dog.
• There will be no refunds issued for early returns.

Boarding Interview

All new guests are required to schedule a Boarding Interview before a Reservation will be accepted.
We’d like to meet you and your dog to make sure we are a good fit.

Please request a Boarding Interview if your dog is:
• Spayed or neutered
• Friendly & Well Socialized
• Up to date on vaccinations
• Housebroken
• Fully continent
• Non-destructive
• Has never bitten a person or dog
• At least 1 year old
• Weighs 20 to 80 lbs

We will schedule a time that is convenient for you to have a phone conversation to discuss your dog, then we’ll schedule a date for you and your dog to come meet us.

Your Dog’s Vacation

Drop offs and pickups may be scheduled throughout the day between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

What to bring with your dog:
Dog food (please bring a little extra so we don’t run out)
• Treats, optional
• Medications if needed
• Collar with ID / Harness if needed
• Leash
• Copy of current vaccination records
• Crate, if used
You may bring a bowl, but unless your dog uses a special bowl (such as raised or slow-feeder) they can use ours.
It is not necessary to bring beds or toys. We have plenty to share.
Please do not bring any favorite items that you would be upset if another dog destroyed!

Medical Requirements:
Dogs must be up to date on vaccinations. Copy of vaccination records is required.
Vaccinations needed include:
• Rabies
• DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and parainfluenza
• Bordatella (kennel cough)
• (Titers accepted with vet documentation)
• Dogs must be free of ticks and fleas and be on monthly flea treatments.
• Please do not bring your dog if he/she has been vomiting, coughing, sneezing, has diarrhea, or has a communicable disease.

Throughout your dog’s stay:
• You will receive daily photo updates via text or email.
• Dogs will have playtime in the fenced yard frequently throughout the day.
• Your dog will stay on the same diet they eat at home. Other treats will only be given with your permission.
• Guest dogs sleep where they want including dog beds and people beds.
• If your dog is allowed on the furniture at your house they are allowed on our furniture.
• Each dogs gets lots of individual love and attention!